Media buying deals and creatives l India

Media buying deals and creatives

Creative advertising benefits and new horizons:

There is a big change happening in all parts of the globe.
The way people live, interact and communicate has changed. People are hooked with internet and most of the time, they are surfing google, youtube and social media for relevant info. Business of any nature, need the services of local seo expert. l India

Advertising is the lifeline of many business. Do you know how big search engines like google and social media sites like facebook
sell their advertising space to advertisors. But many people advertising in these platforms have made advertising very costly and trend will increase. Everybody is bidding for ad space, and the highest bidder wins the bid, gets maximum impressions and clicks first. l India

I will show you something, which is instant and you can get started in a hour or day. We will provide you all the instructions to get started. These are the cheapest modes of advertising and suits everyone budget, whether you may be a small business owner, entrepreneur, have any product or service to promote and many different verticals and sectors. For  newbies, we can also help you get started.  l India

Did you visit a news website, a blog or any website like hosting, ecommerce, entertainment or any niche, and the ad of that website follows you where ever you go on internet, like while watching an youtube video, a video of their product or service pop up, an overlay ad in youtube like text ads or graphic ads. The ads also follow you on mobile apps, while browsing your favorite sites, news sites, entertainment website. Such advertising is set by the advertiser. We can help you to set those ads for you in popular websites, to promote your business, product or service, without any technical knowledge or experience. We will even design the creatives and ad. You only need to add budget to continue the advertising as per your limit. Don’t alter the settings. l India

We can also manage the campaign on your behalf and provide daily updates over
call for extra fee. This will bring you lot of targeted traffic or visitors to your website, video, business, product or service, who might be interested. Most of the business are doing this advertising, and majority of small business owners,
entrepreneurs, individuals don’t know where to start. Your competition is doing this and is capturing all the new customers and business, related to your industry. A lot of business owners, contact me on daily basis to help them with
advertising and get started. This kind of advertising requires close monitoring for few days, lot of issues and troubleshooting for newbies, like why ads are not running even though everything is correct and most common
error and fixes. That is where our service, comes to help for serious business owners. l India

Note: All big and medium companies have IT infrastructure, agency and in house team to look after the advertising and marketing needs. We cater to small business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals who have no experience in media buying and where to get started on a budget. Perhaps  you have just started a website, a blog, an ecommerce website, have a great idea that can solve people or market problems or  just need to promote a service or product fast and have no time to invest in trail and error, which is time consuming and lengthy. We made advertising very affordable for such business and verticals. I will help you to tap local, national and international markets. It depends upon the nature of business, product or service. 

Business of all verticals are welcome. Ex: Gambling, dating, adult. The traditional advertising channels and networks, doesn’t allow such content. 

However, we don’t deal with certain prohibited goods or services or anything we feel appropriate. A lot of small and medium companies, business owners, entrepreneurs, individuals contact me on daily basis, for help with advertising. 


Unlike traditional advertising, you don’t need to book an ad slot in newspapers, magazines, TV, radio ads, billboards and wait for days or for a week or more for your ad to run. You can get started immediately. We will design all the creatives.

The demand for these services have increased, and most of the customers come from referrals of past loyal subscribers and repeat customers. Each and every project is important and we need to do a quick analysis.

We create stunning and eye catching graphics, custom images with SEO optimised, logos and infographics, newsletters which brings you lot of enquiries, calls, foot traffic, leads or prospects. Most of the specialist website for certain niches rank well in google and it turns out to be the biggest asset for business owners. These high graphics posts do get lot of organic shares and thus boost rankings. Page retention is important ranking factor ie, how many minutes new visitors spend on your page. A well designed graphics images with SEO optimised can boost rankings. Each and every project is different. A quick 5 minute analysis, we can see, what can be done. We also follow Whitehat SEO methods and strict webmaster guidelines.

Visit  “About us” page to know more about us.

We also do video editing, with lot of overlays, with texts and sub titles, so that people can understand what the video is about during commuting or travel on train/ bus, because there is text or sub titles parallel to video. Even people who cannot understand the video or language, can easily understand using the sub titles and also it is SEO optimised, which may also a ranking factor. l India


If you need fast rankings, or just brought a new domain in the niche, there is a method to buy established domains with good authority and metrics (need professional help) and any new content will be visible in google in 2 weeks or more. We used to do this,for certain speciality niches and those who need a good traction over the competation. Contact me for the same. Each and every niche or industry is different. I can set it up for you, and there is a fee for the same.

Mobile devices have become very dominant nowadays.
70% internet searches happen through mobile devices and only 30% are desktop searches. Local seo expert can help you to provide a new advertising opportunity, a new channel of customers, depending upon your nature of business.

Local seo consultant company expert India
In that, 2 out of 5 searches are about people looking for local business.
People are looking for services like restaurant, plumber, electrician, lawyer, doctor and many profiles through google search. The business listed in top 7 pack in google search gets the lion share of visitors and they get deals, enquiries and secure contracts, because they are in top page of google. Your store or shop,business visibility is a must in today’s internet age. People are looking to buy products or services, through internet. l India

Have no time and technical expertise, on how to do this? Is it complicated for you? Don’t worry local seo expert can do this on your behalf, for a specific fee. We will do an analysis and explain briefly, what can be done, before starting with the project.
Already have a business and everything listed on internet? That’s great!! Local seo expert can help you to rank even better. Even change the look of the website, or revive them to showcase your products or services. Its like a virtual showroom or a sales guy communicating with the your prospects or your new customers 24/7 and 365 days on your behalf.

Depending upon the nature of your business, these stakes, will bring more leads and customers. We can even include professional videos of your products or services for maximum engagement. It’s better to have a highly responsive website, than your competation. This is what makes your prospects tick, for a buying decision.

whitehat seo - instant indexing on google bing yahoo search engines

Local seo expert can help you to get your business listed on google and all the possible local directories called citations to boost the ranking. However, there are some highly competative niches, where competation is very severe in local search or for a search phrase, say for ex: hotel, tourism.

These are the guys, with very big SEO budgets, and things change over time.

A large number of people are using internet, to search local business, compared to traditional mediums like newspaper, magazines, yellow pages and more.
The best example for this trend is, when you commute on train, bus, see the number of people surfing with mobile handset.

You are missing a big deal of business, if you are not visible in local search, and simply throwing lot of money on the table, to your competitors.

Right now, google is giving lot of importance to local business. Google wants to display the exact business, what the customer is looking for, based on relevant business, reviews, proximity, and website ranking factors. Local seo expert, can do this job on your behalf.
In a big city, business like lawyer,doctor,dentist,plumbers, electricians, beauty parlour and more have made a fortune, just because their business is visible on google local search. This is the most in demand business, in the world now.

Customers are looking for different products or services using internet. Local seo expert knows, what these keyword phrases are.How optimised the website is, for the local searches is also very important. Right now, google is also giving lot of importance to local website ranking factors.I am also a professional web designer and can also give a custom quote for the same.

Note: Please don’t let the hungry customers very eager to buy your products or services slip by, or by default your competitor gets the lions share of deals from internet, just because your business is not listed on local searches.

Contact details.

Skype id: mailharsha08

Whatsapp +91 9605799514

Email id:

local seo consultant expert india advertising


Email marketing and unlimited smtp server services (Old beast is still popular)

send unlimited autoresponder emails server
send unlimited bulk emails
send unlimited emails smtp server

send unlimited autoresponder emails server

Basic email server setup. (special offer)

Cheap and affordable for starters. Contact me directly to know more. (24/7)

Ping me on whatsapp for fast responses.

Whatsapp/ phone +91 9605799514


I have 3 options for you. Choose the one, which suits for you.

  1.  Credit based emails (You need to provide me a domain name or I will buy a domain name to host email.) Delivery time: within 24 hours.           Contact me directly if interested.


2. Unlimited smtp server for email marketing available.

You have full power and control with unlimited smtp server. The old beast is still powerful. No restrictions and limitations. (Help you with setup, if newbie)

You can send 100K emails per day and more, depending upon plan. Delivery time: within 24 hours. Valid for 1 month and you can continue if appropriate.

Also any concerns about pricing or any other questions welcome.  Contact me directly if interested.


3. Email authority jacker: I have launched a new course on internet, where you can laser target prospects without email database and smtp server.  Have a look.

The video course demonstrates, how any newbie can become  a superstar overnight, by leveraging the power of email ads for entrepreneurs and small business owners.



Whatsapp/ phone +91 9605799514

Skype id: mailharsha08

Email id:


Cinematography, photography, videography and film making l India

I am an astrologer at I also have an youtube channel in the website, with almost 65+ videos as of oct 2020. I learnt all these to promote my youtube channel and create quality content. These things attracted me a lot and I it took me 6 months to learn many things about Cinematography, photography, videography and film making. I learnt all these in my free time, experimenting various things on daily basis. My  videography skills have improved a lot, since them. I also shoot videos for others, small business and take photos, build photo portfolio for others, which helped them in dating, marriage, career, jobs, vacations and shoot videos of various life events. l India

It boosts your confidence and self esteem, when you look good. The more transparent you are, brings you more hidden opportunities. I also create various flashy youtube thumbnails, graphics for website to get clicks and high impressions like various banners for different niches for cheap rates. Most of my customers are my friends or pool of astrology customers, who need one or the other service for their business. l India

Many cinematography tricks like 20+ cheap lighting methods, create various scenes, edit various VFX scenes, hollywood style footage, various camera movements, drone and crane moves. There is high possibility of your videos going viral for these kind of shots. Also depends upon luck. l India

Using cheap DIY materials, I know how to produce fog, smoke, various light, light a landscape upto 200 meters using 1 light source and shoot beautiful videos at night, how to light a forest, various beautiful landscapes, produce rain scene, lot of various effects using green screen and editing. Communication before shooting such videos is very important. l India

Beauty and looks:

If you are not confident about your beauty or looks, not confident on camera, lack self confidence and self esteem, I can help you on this. Even dark skin, acne, moles is not a problem, we can hide all those imperfections (full body, hands, legs) using cheap makeup tricks which worked in many occasions. Everybody need this. Contact me for the same, I can give you ideas.

If you need help in set YouTube studio, lights, tripods, cheap diy alternative equipments, vfx, SFX, photo portfolio, shoot videos for various occasions (cinematic and normal). Makeup tricks, confidence on camera, graphics design, Photoshop, high end photo touching. Seo rank in top 3, advertising in top websites, YouTube thumbnails.

So I shoot movies and videos on budget, using the beauty of mother nature. Climate very cold and sound of birds is nostalgic. Animal safari on jeep/van going deep into animal territory. Elephant views, dolphin jumps, public boats available to shoot various cinematic views. Enjoy views during sunset on boat. Many of my photos portfolio and videos I shot for others, helped them in dating, marriage, jobs,career, new friends, connections and some even went viral on social media. Cinematic videos I know 100+ tricks. He he For graphics design, video editing, vfx, SFX, makeup tricks, seo, advertising, videography, photography, cinematography you can contact me. l India

Don’t have a location or ideas to shoot great videos. I can shoot for you.  I know many great locations, resorts, houses and villas (within 100 to 150 kms) without paying for location fees. (To shoot small movies and photo portfolio). This brings you opportunities. He he. Beaches, rivers, lakes, tree apartments, resorts, villas, Birds sanctuary, early morning fog, mist, even snow in munnar, waterfalls, forest landscape, big trees, hiking trails, spots, backwaters, houseboats, beautiful paddy fields. Hotels, resorts, beautiful interiors, western washroom, jaccuzi, bathtub and scuba diving, paragliding, many adventure sports for taking all kind of photos. Even rent a house of villa with garden and many landscapes for less than rs 2000 per day, swimming pool, view of tea estate is beautiful during winter and rainy days. l India

Contact me directly, if interested. I have written this blog post, because I have sold many such services to my friends and my astrology subscribers.

Harsha A

Whatsapp +91 9605799514

Skype id: mailharsha08

Country: India

For collaborations, joint venture, partnerships, or if you need help in shooting videos, photo portfolio, Photoshop, graphic design, design replica s for film making purposes like nature spots, realistic backgrounds, makeup, lighting, YouTube studio setup and editing, you can contact me. Contact me through email, and I will reply back if appropriate. I will then schedule voice/video or phone call on skype/ WhatsApp to discuss further, if appropriate. Later, we can meet in person. l India


Video editing services – looks cinematic, epic and professional l India

Most of them approach me, on how to edit videos, add different effects, make a video look cinematic, particularly new youtubers and those who just get started out with youtube videos and even even experienced people. You need to capture the attention of viewers within 15 seconds, otherwise they will move somewhere who can give them quality content or what they are searching. l India

I also provide voiceover services particularly in English (neutral accent). We make sure the audio quality is higher, the voice is higher. You can get away with bad video quality, but if audio is not clear or louder, people just live. Audio is very important, when it come to youtube. Your smartphone or dslr inbuilt microphones are limited, and a professional mic is suggested if you are series. l India

So the important elements for shooting videos are subject (that is you, the makeup, personality and apperance. I know many tricks to look beautiful on camera, doesnt matter skin color or complexion or full body dimensions. Dont lose confidence and self esteem on camera.), the lighting conditions, whether natural light, daylight or using artifial lights, the audio quality very very important. Many newbies are ignoring audio and they get less subscribers. There are many catergories like cooking, makeup, beauty, tech reviews, unboxing, demonstration, experiments, where the audio should be louder and high quality. l India

It is better you contact me, before shooting videos, so that I can give you suggestions, so then only video editing for videos is possible. I many those videos which shows your face, personality, full body. There are many camera angles and camera movements to know for this. So communication with me is very important. The frame rates, resolution, focus ranges, white balance and most important camera settings.  l India

For videos showing only computer screen, demo of software we just have simple tips for the same. 

So the most requested video editing services are :

Make face and skin look beautiful on video. Many cinematic effects, make video look like movie, blur face, body and certain objects on video (for interviews), remove or hide object from video, make videos vintage, black and white, fast forward videos, reverse videos, videos in slow motion. l India

Add images in video like chatbox, like, subscribe, social media profiles, requesting certain actions like visiting website banners, youtube comment on video, adding images on screen for more clarity to viewers and more engaging, add 50:50 videos like a vehicle moving and you transparent on video, add transparent images on videos, add various graphics, vectors, icons. l India

Editing audio clarity and add background music if appropriate. Background music we only suggest if your showing nature, outdoor, and not explaining on frame. Otherwise keep background music low when explaining things.

Export videos in mp4, avi, 3gp (version for mobile devices). Resolution in 720p, HD quality, 1080p. The best export settings for youtube videos.

Cut a video at certain points, delete bad or sample shots, jump cuts, add color to various objects in videos, make videos look epic and cinematic (only possible if you listen to us before shooting), add text, various texts, scrolling text on videos, explain videos along with texts at both top and bottom to look more epic.

I also have lot of experience in photography, videography, film making and cinematography. (basic and intermediate level). If you are starting a youtube channel of any topics, covering various camera shots from all angles, different frames and landscapes, at different lighting conditions, I can help with the project. The quality of video brings you more views, subscribers, lot of opportunities, partnerships, deals if done correctly for various niches.

Makeup tricks, green screen, SFX, VFX. If you lack self esteem and lack confidence on camera, or not confident about your beauty and looks, I can make you look more beautiful. (dark skin, acne, pimples, skin color is not an issue. I can make you look beautiful on camera. I just need a photo or 30 second video full length on how you look on frame or videos and can send you whether color can be enhanced or not. 

I provide all these services for a fee, cheaper than market rates. We are available on voice and video calls on skype and whatsapp, as if we are speaking in person. I also give consulting on various cheap equipments to buy, many tricks and DIY if you are on budget.

Harsha A

Whatsapp +91 9605799514

Skype id: mailharsha08

Country: India 


Graphic designer and beauty services. Attract opportunities and people. l India

high end photo retouching services

We have 3 kinds of pricing.

  1. Basic photo edits = $2 per image  Ex: Change background image, sharpen photos, blur images, remove/hide objects, add lights or brighten photos and other enhancement for landscape photos.
  2. Photo retouching = $5 per image  Ex: Make face look attractive, remove imperfections, moles, scars, marks, change skintone and complexion.
  3. High end photo retouching = $10 to $25 or above depending upon edits.

Ex: Increase size of hands/legs, add tattoo, fat to slim, change skin tone. l India

We can have a talk about project and pricing. We have image rates, hourly rates and project based rates. The above pricing, just gives an idea. But if you provide me more than 5 photos, I can lower prices. If an edit or manipulation on photo, you have requested is not possible, I will discuss that during discussion on whatsapp/phone and skype calls. We only proceed with project, when things are clear on both sides. We offer fair pricing, lower than market rates. We have repeat clientele from various countries. l India

I started my studio online,  for shy people and people with beauty issues, lack of self esteem and confidence. Make them.attract opportunities, dating and more. No shy!

Using my studio, I helped many to attract jobs, promotion, career, hike in salary, get noticed, find a soulmate, marriage, dating and hidden opportunities. No shy!

We also provide video editing, with special movie effects, even shoot videos, build a photo portfolio, which can help you in job, career, promotion, hike in salary, get noticed, dating, marriage and attract hidden opportunities. I was providing photography and videography services, years ago, but now I have decided to provide it for people, who might be interested. No shy! l India

Not confident on camera? There are certain lights and camera angles, which can make you look attractive. If you want to setup a youtube channel, I can also guide you, if interested.  Have beauty issues like skin imperfections, dark skin, we too have solutions for the same, with simple instructions.

” I will also come on voice call and video call, to discuss more about studio, for serious people.. Just give me an idea and I can design it for you. I know many things, if you follow me on Instagram and WhatsApp, YouTube you will understand.” l India

Note: Your friends, colleagues and family members might be interested in such services. They might be looking for marriage, jobs, career and looking good has ton of benefits. You can forward this link to them.

If you believe, someone need this service, you can forward this link.

So the most common requests are: (send scanned copy)

  1. Add color to black/white photo. (it is possible)
  2. Fix old photos, with tear scratches. It may be your old family photo, which is damaged. (send scanned copy)
  3.  Blur background, photo touchup.
  4. Change color of eye, whiten teeth, change lipstick, change hair color. (modern trends) facelift, nosejob, fat reduction, remove tan color of hands/legs or whiten them. (It is possible, if it meets certain conditions)
  5. Change dress color, suit color, add tattoo, add accesories, remove objects from photo, change background of photo, passport photo. It should meet certain conditions for such requests.
  6. Remove aging signs on face and body, wrinkles, scars, boils and any skin imperfections.
  7.  Change color of cars, bike, furniture, house or other supported objects. l India

Note: We may not work with certain projects, which we may feel in appropriate. Always provide your own photos, or those who gave you consent or permission. There are lot of services, not listed here. Before proceeding with project, I discuss with you, what you exactly want, through voice and video calls on skype/whatsapp. If certain requests are not possible, I will discuss it during discussion.  No shy! We have interacted with lot of people across globe through internet and they keep on coming back to us, also referring their friends and people they know. Everybody wants to look good. You can keep these photos for lifetime, use as profile pic, forward for jobs, dating and marriage purposes.

I allow upto 3 revisions, within 3 hours if appropriate. The finished work will be sent through email, skype and whatsapp and watermark is removed, once you are satisfied or amount is paid.

We accept Skrill, Indian bank transfer payments. For other payment methods, I need to check. Skrill supports 200+ countries and the transfer is instant. l India


  1. So how to contact you?

I suggest you send me a message on whatsapp/skype with introduction or requirement, and I will reply back soon or fix time convenient for both. I do handle lot of orders, from people across globe, and most of the time will be in voice or video call, to look after various requirements of my clients.

2. So what details do you need?

i. For banners, I need marketing message, what the design should have, for ex, certain animals, elements, objects or graphics. I can create a marketing message, if you don’t have. But send me website name, phone number, address (for store). I will only proceed, once the discussion is clear on what the final design should look like, whether it is possible or not.

I will send a final design with watermark, and after you find OK, I will remove watermark. l India

ii. For beauty and touchup, enhancement services, I need to know what exactly you need. I mean whiten skin tone, remove moles, skin imperfections.

3. Payment methods:

Skrill supports 200+ countries. You can instantly deposit money through bank transfer, credit/debit card and many options. For other payment methods, contact me.

4. Revision or changes:

Any changes you need, should be said instantly after I send the banner or final image. There are many other people waiting for real time conversation, and sometimes I may contact you later.

5. Safe and secure environment:

We have interacted with many people across globe on internet. I am available on voice/video calls for serious and repeat customers. Once the project is over, say for face or beauty correction, we will delete the original copy sent by you, after everything is okay. There may be certain projects, we may not work with, if we find it inappropriate. Communication issues, long response time on email, is a concern to us. Voice call on whatsapp/skype can instantly make changes within few minutes.


Popularity and crazy viral shares l India


Note: Ask me for portfolio, and I will share the links, if appropriate. We may not work with certain content.  l India

These kind of images, catches the eye and get lot of viral shares if embedded in a blog post or social media. In the past I used to sell lot of viral graphics, logos, infographics, flyers which got good responses for business owners and individuals. l India

$10 for 3 images. Either you can provide me the photo or discuss the objects to be on image. I will create it for you. We can discuss this during voice calls.

Most of my designs and art, went viral on whatsapp and social media platforms, saving ton of money in advertising, compared to other traditional forms of advertising like newspapers, magazines,TV, radio ads and outdoor advertising.  It can be any product/service, whether you have an small business or entrepreneur, everybody needs advertising these days. I do get lot of orders from small business owners and entrepreneurs on daily basis.  (from across globe) l India

It can boost sales, it it is an eye catching banner. Even it also depends upon luck! Share your ideas with me on whatsapp/skype voice or video call and I will look after the rest.  l India

Note: we don’t work with certain projects, which we may feel inappropriate.

Skype id: mailharsha08

whatsapp/phone +91 9605799514


Note: If you need the portfolio of our past work, pls contact us on email, whatsapp or on call and I will forward it, if appropriate. l India


Crazy SEO rankings for local, small and specialist niches l India

Crazy SEO rankings for local, small and specialist niches


There are certain keyword terms and phrases, which can be ranked very fast using whitehat SEO for local, small business and medium niches, which can bring you lot of new leads, enquiries and even sales depending upon the product/service if used correctly. It can give you lot of visibility and coverage then traditional advertising mediums.  Most of the traffic comes from google image search and even direct searches. There is lot of opportunity. Each and every project is different. It depends upon keyword, you are ranking for. I create beautiful eye catching custom images, where people click those images and land your website. I can give you few examples, if interested. Voice call on skype/whatsapp or phone, I can give a clear picture. l India


Most of the search terms can be ranked instantly in hours and few days.

Few examples are.

  1. Top restaurant in <town name> <city name>

Ex: saloon, beauty parlour, bakery, vehicle mechanic , plumber, electrician, handyman, computer service center, repair shop, any consultant, doctor, flower shop, pharmacy, spa, any hidden niches. l India

2. Lifestyle is changing and people are even asking to rank for certain terms in search engines. It is connected with model and glamour industry. Most of these traffic come from image search. People are visual and image SEO is powerful. I can give you few examples. A custom image can give you lot of clicks, visits to your website. Most of them, have even got new opportunities like artists, anchor, interviews and more. This is the most in demand service in the industry, which no one is talking about. l India

Few of the keywords, which can easily be ranked are

hot girl in <any city or town name>

(model, women, men, man, girl, boy, artist are few examples. A quick 3 min analysis for the given keyword phrase, I can tell you whether it can be instantly ranked or may take days. )

3. Hidden specialist niches like tattoo, therapy, yoga, gym, make up, mature niches, can get lot of views and visits through custom SEO.

I am not talking about google local places or yahoo/bing and other B2b sites, which charge a premium to get your business or service listed on them for a yearly fee, sometimes free. The traffic comes from google image search, and how many times have  you checked, google images or search websites below google local search and brought a service/product or contacted them. This is powerful for certain niches. Very economical than traditional mediums like TV, radio, newspapers, brochures, flyers. It just sticks there for some time or years and always pops up, when somebody searches for business of similar nature. l India

Note: Each and every project is different and unique. There are certain keyword phrases, which are highly competative and just cannot be ranked. I mean global and international search. But what I have mentioned above is for small business, medium, local and hidden specialist niches, which get lot of searches from google image search and other search engines. This can benefit certain business services and products a lot. I may not work with certain projects, which are prohibited in nature. A quick analysis of 3 to 5 min on voice call, I can give you a clear picture, and you may proceed, if appropriate. l India

why is my website not indexed or visible on google, yahoo and bing search engines? l India l India I can help you.

You have brought a new domain and hosted a brand new website, hoping search engines will index it and bring traffic. An average person or a complete newbie, thinks so. l India

Trust me, I know how frustating it is, when I got started. Depending upon how competative the niche is, search engines can take weeks or months to just index a site and it’s pages. But you don’t need to wait any longer. We can index any content within a hour. (Make sure the content is of good quality, highly engaging to visitors for additional boost, shares and lot of referral traffic and backlinks, if people share it.) l India

why is my website not indexed or visible on google, yahoo and bing search engines? I can help you. Solution? 

I have a method to index your new or old website instantly on google and other search engines. I just takes less than a hour, using this method. We just tell search engines, we have a new website and content and bots and crawlers will instantly crawl it. I hope you are familiar with google webmaster guidelines ie, google only indexes high quality pages in its database. Content is still the kind. A lot of other factors also play like authority and how aged the domain is, for bots to be crawled frequently. l India

whitehat seo - instant indexing on google bing yahoo search engines

Cost: $25 (to instantly index upto 15 pages)

Things needed from you to get started? 

  1. A google account, to add website to webmaster tools. I need username and password. ( Create a seperate account for this purpose)

2. Your web hosting cpanel username and password.

3. Your CMS username and password.

That’s all. I will look after the rest. We can have  a discussion for few minutes on whatsapp and skype voice calls, so that you will get a clear picture.

Note: There are some cases, where google will tell us to fix the issue of webpage, say malware, hacking issues, duplicate content or any hidden issues. In that case, I will suggest certain simple modifications to page and we can submit such pages later. We always follow google webmaster guidelines. l India

We will also fix any sitemap issues, robots.txt and AMP for a small fee. (Imp for new and old websites for visibility in search engines. 


why is my new or old website not indexed or visible on google, yahoo and bing search engines?

Google only indexes high quality pages,which provides some content or value by default which is helpful to visitors. Few pages or posts, not been indexed is perfectly normal. You need to work on content of pages and fix any errors on google webmaster tools, if appropriate. It is the technical part. We can do the indexing part for you. l India

Local seo consultant company expert India

Other services, you might be interested:

Other references:!_Search

l India



Best Social Signals Package Available

The Best Social Signals Package Available

Social Signals

I will provide you 1600 Social Signals from the Top 3 Social Media Networks!

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Delivery time: 7 days


  • 250+ Linkedin Signals!*
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Our social signals are not bots, they are created by 100% real, honest to God human beings.

*Totals are approximate. Overall total will be no less than 1600 though.

All Kinds Of Sites Accepted Including

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  • Websites, Blogs, Web 2.0!
  • Virtually any other type of link!

*Only 1 URL per order

*You WILL NOT receive URLs of shares.

***This is a one time blast, dripfeed is not available***

You are going to be asked to give me a link to a site, video, or other property that will then be shared , liked, retweeted etc… this is NOT to give you likes etc… on your existing profiles.

You will be provided with a screenshot and a link to a social signals checker so that you can verify that the job was done.

*Sending social signals to a Facebook page IS possible; however they often will not show up in social signals checking tools such as AHrefs. You acknowledge that you understand this when you purchase this service.

*Twitter Signals no longer show up in signal checking tools due to a n API update by Twitter ( so I may not be able to provide proof of those. You acknowledge this when you purchase this service.


Optional services:

Note: you need to pay me extra for these services.
Basic package :$50 mandatory

Guaranteed 36 Hour Delivery $20
Add 100 G+ Signals (Not Available With 36 Hour Delivery) $12
Add 125 Pinterest Signals $12
Add 3000 Facebook Signals $20
Add 1000 More Linkedin Signals $14
5000 More Twitter Signals And 1000 More Facebook Signals $45
Add A Syndwire Blast $14
Add A Source Machine Blast $16

Whatsapp +91 9605799514

Skype id: mailharsha08



Configure private email server for hire (very popular setup, featured in media worldwide)


I will configure private email server for you, with all the modern and security protocols. There is lot of buzz about private email server in news, media and social media platforms.
It is bit sophisticated setup, but we know how to get it done.  A year ago, people worldwide are switching to private email server to avoid spying, snooping email inboxes by government and agencies.

Even the rich and elite are using private email server as a status symbol.
Its similar to ferrari, starbucks, apple brands they use for show and pomp,power, prestige whatever.
You can talk about this as a matter of prestige, with your friends, colleagues and possessing private email server is itself like a “status symbol”.

private email server setup freelancer hire
Also, you need to find out or figure out experts to do this for you.
We specialize in configuring private email server for our clients.
I am a consultant and I can help you on this. Contact me directly on skype, whatsapp, phone or email and I will help you out.
One time cost $100 only to setup.
delivery time: within 24 hours (few exceptions)
Uptime 99% to send and receive emails.
Basic plan : monthly renewal is around $7 only.
(Debited each month from your card)

Its infrastructure is similar to gmail, yahoo, hotmail. But you have full control.

Our clients include corporates, agencies, consultants, industralist, businessman,
Vip, celebrities, politicians and more.

JV, agencies and consultants welcome.

Contact us:

Skype id: mailharsha08

Whatsapp/ phone +91 7736569514

Note: You can even sync 3 or 4 domains to send emails (optional) and even hosting account (optional)
Contact me, we can have discussion.



1. Do I need to buy any physical server from my end?
No, you dont need to buy any gadgets. This will save $1000 to $5000 dollars for setup alone. Remember recent Hillary clinton email in the news. Since then, people have a big craze worldwide to known private email server, instead of free emails like gmail, yahoo to avoid spying by agencies.

2.What is the cost for setup?

$100 (I will provide the link, you can buy from them and once verified instantly or after few hours, you get confirmation from them, just provide me the access details to configure server on their infrastructure.

3. Server uptime?

Server uptime is 99% and the provider we refer as good reputation. Only use this server to send and receive emails. The main purpose of this server is to avoid government and spy agencies from snooping or reading our emails. If you care for your email privacy and secrecy, go for this.

4. Can we use this server for bulk emailing?

I suggest a strong no. Modern day email servers need double optin emails. If you send a email to random persons in bulk, and if they get lot of spam complaints, they may close your account. We have different server for bulk emailing, contact me and I will help you on this.

5.client base or who use private email server?

Our clients include corporates, agencies, consultants, industralist, businessman, Vip, celebrities, politicians and more.

6. Can I access email from mobile and anywhere in the world?

Yes, you can access email from any mobile, anywhere in the world. The good thing is you dont need to hire a person to manage physical server. We setup this in cloud encrypted and once setup, there is no maintainance required.

7. My purpose is bulk emailing. Can you provide me an smtp server for that?

Contact me on chat for the same. My question is whether do you have single optin, double optin or just brought a random database or list from a vendor? Thanks
